Sunday, April 22, 2012

40V Cordless Mower

It looks Like Ryobi is coming out with a cordless electric mower. Will it give the Newton a run for it's money? I'm not sure but I do like Ryobi products (even if they were ridiculously sued for 1.5 million due to a dumbass and a dumbass court!) They make good products and their customer service is really good.

Currently I have an older Black and Decker electric mower and it does a good job but it's missing the bag which is ok but I have to rake up anything I don't want lying around in the yard. Plus it has a cord which drives me nuts. Needless to say I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the fact I have an electric mower but I hate this specific one.

Granted mine doesn't look this good but you get the general idea of what I have. Mine has a few custom "tweaks" if you will, duck tape to re-enforce the clipping chute, the engine has been modified (the ground wire keeps coming loose), and um, well yea. It's a good mower don't get me wrong about my "hate" comment earlier. The only thing I really hate about it is the cord, if I could do away with that so I wouldn't spend more time working with it so I don't get caught up or trip I would really enjoy this mower.

I have thought about doing some experimentation with it and getting solar panels and mount on the top to power it while I'm mowing but I'm not sure it will work well in shaded areas.

The Newton electric mower is my current dream. (Yes, you can dream about mowers.) Well, until I saw this one!
Pretty freakin sweet huh? It's a concept from Husqvarna.

Anyway, I still have my dream about owning a Newton mower. I really like the fact that they are cordless and the attachments are really cool.

There's an edger, lawn striper and cup holder available for it. More than what most mowers out there offer. The main reason I haven't invested into one is the price. Last I looked they were going for about $500 with all the attachments. You can check them out at their website 


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